It is an audio distribution system for voicemail, automated messages, ambient music and directed evacuations. The system allows audios to be broadcast to specific areas or in groups through IP communication, from 1 scalable zone to 99 zones. For administrative and industrial use in companies, allowing to efficiently locate personnel and optimize internal processes.

Our 1vox4u system is the heart of multi purpose comunications system, designed to be connected to several acesories for a custom comunications system. The system serves as a public adress system, panic system, multi point intercom and computer terminal interface for private email.
The system is centralized in the LAN through a Rack or Console module, which synchronizes information, audios and configuration with the other modules. In each independent zone there is an Audio module that will reproduce the voices and messages according to the preset configuration. If a zone covers a very wide area it is possible to increase the number of speakers by means of remote amplifiers cascaded to the Audio module.